2 02, 2021

This Is Why The Feedback Sandwich Is A S**t Sandwich

By |2021-02-02T20:23:52-07:00February 2nd, 2021|Coaching|Comments Off on This Is Why The Feedback Sandwich Is A S**t Sandwich

We’ve all done it. I know I have, and I can’t be alone in this. So, I’m willing to bet you’ve done it too. You’ve given at least one of your direct reports the feedback sandwich. You’ve started off with something positive to get your employee on board. Then you’ve [...]

12 01, 2021

The Queen’s Gambit Gives You Three Things To Look For in A Coach

By |2021-01-12T18:24:38-07:00January 12th, 2021|Coaching|Comments Off on The Queen’s Gambit Gives You Three Things To Look For in A Coach

The Queen’s Gambit is the latest binge-worthy offering on Netflix. This sparkling new series offers us a tortured genius who overcomes an addictive personality. In the end, she secures her rightful place at the top of a male-dominated profession. It’s also a message about what qualities to seek in a [...]

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