20 03, 2023

Psychedelics Are On Their Way To Your Boardroom. And Your Heart.

By |2023-03-20T18:41:33-06:00March 20th, 2023|Coaching, Leadership, Psychedelics, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Psychedelics Are On Their Way To Your Boardroom. And Your Heart.

Psychedelics are breaking out of the therapy room into your boardroom. You may know someone who has gone on a trip to Peru or Mexico to experience the jungle medicine known as ayahuasca. Or maybe you know someone who has been micro-dosing psilocybin inspired by Silicon Valley tech gurus. Or [...]

2 02, 2021

This Is Why The Feedback Sandwich Is A S**t Sandwich

By |2021-02-02T20:23:52-07:00February 2nd, 2021|Coaching|Comments Off on This Is Why The Feedback Sandwich Is A S**t Sandwich

We’ve all done it. I know I have, and I can’t be alone in this. So, I’m willing to bet you’ve done it too. You’ve given at least one of your direct reports the feedback sandwich. You’ve started off with something positive to get your employee on board. Then you’ve [...]

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